Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Three Things

In Advanced Graphic Design, I would love to create three or more pieces to include in my portfolio. I expect to grow as a Designer so that my work reflects that of a professional or better. I want to progress in my problem solving skills so that my solutions are better than the original problem.

A project I would like to work on would be one that includes motion design, whether that be making a finished product that is moving (i.e. a commercial or music video) or a storyboard for such a project. For example, a band manager wants an album cover for their new album and a music video for their first song on that album. A second option is that the designer made packaging for a product, now the company who produces the product wants a commercial and would like a storyboard by the designer.

I am concerned that I do not work well within a group. I worry about my problem solving abilities being basic, obvious, and not as creative as they should be. I see other classmate's work and fear my work is not as good.

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